Dicing With Death
Simple battle dice RPG for C64 in less than 4096 bytes.
Code, Graphics and Sound by Megastyles amazing retro game developer MonstersGoBoom! If you want to check out other games by MonstersGoBoom, visit their personal Itch page here: https://monstersgoboom.itch.io/
Originally made for the Reset64 Craptastic4k competition, but was a few days late to the deadline. MonstersGoBooms real job went bananas right before the final week.
Thanks to:
https://roysterini.itch.io/ for the name.
https://shallan64.itch.io/ for the nugget of the idea, and permission to run with it.
https://subchristsoftware.itch.io/ for charpad and spritepad.
http://www.theweb.dk/KickAssembler/Main.html for the awesome Kickassembler.
This is the updated version with fixed map