Digging Simulator 1989
Digging Simulator 1989 is a basic recreation/prequel of my classic, boring and practical joke game Digging Simulator 2015 for the original Nintendo GameBoy using the GBDK library and written in C.
Digging Sim is an actual GameBoy game, meaning it can run on a real system using either an Everdrive or other similar cartridge solutions, as well as other third-party systems and emulators.
To clarify, this isn't really a game, so trust me when I say this, it is not fun! The original game, I thought, was a good laugh. This version was more of a tech demo. I wanted to program my first GameBoy game and thought the recreation of Digging Simulator would be a good fit for a quick and easy project for learning. It was a good choice, but I couldn't capture the character of the original with the limitations of the system, as well as just running out of time. However, now that it's complete, I plan on starting development on an actual game.
If you would like to play the original Digging Simulator, you can do so by downloading Zombie Game, navigating to the "Stuck in the mud" game mode and simply spamming the "F" key.