Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
This Game has enriched my Life. (And I definitely didn't get €20for recommending that Game here * hust *)
The Graphic could come to Halo 5 ranthan And is comparable to Crysis 10. The noble Soundtrack is a veritable Fusion Masterpieces of the earlier music epochs. Among Them, for example, they can listen to Mozart while fighting Nazi zombies dinos. Sounds like a Daydream Of a thwarted 10-Year-old Boy with a Lot of Imagination, but could also enrich her Dreams for just 10 slump Euros. This Masterpiece is also considered more than just a "Game": It is a "What-if Hitler-not-life-dignion-and-the-world-with-be-toned-zombie-Nazi reptile Subjugge-wet-dignity simulator 2014" All in all recommended for all Ages , with the Target Audience Confined to 8-year-old Girls who want to put little pink Tütüs on their Dinosaurs and Play Tea party with them. But hey, Guys find that fully corrupted! Foundation Warentest Verdict: 99% of The players surveyed (Me and my Mom: 3) would recommend this Game to their Friends (none)!
There's nothing left to see here-Disappearance!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Pros:-Abundant classes, Whether Long-distance Or Melee, Dinos or people-predominantly good and well Thought-out Map-design-flawless Performance (no Server verages and no Frame Breakthroughs)-The humorous Aspect of the Game is entertaining, because for example, in loading Times are Always available fictitious, wittily written newspapers to describe the current State of affairs (The Nazis took Europe with the Help of the dinos, etc.) and which can be read confidently-Very direct and responsive Control-Definitv the great Fun Factor-Enough Settings Cons:-Dead Community!
It's only the Frankfurt server occupied by Players, but the only partial-AFK players aren't kicked and could take the Seat away from other Players as a result-Balancing is very questionable, see Desmatosuchus and the Sniper-The Maps have very much in some Places Unfair Places that also like to be exploited by Players-Old baked source graphics that have come noticeably In the Years-Very Scarce distribution of Healing Boxes, which are distributed too rarely overall-Too little Maprotations, since only 5 Maps are rotating one after the other- Spawn-trapping is unfortunately possible to Conclude: Dino D-Day is a lot of Fun for me personally. The Weapons feel good and handy, the Dinos all have different Skills and the Maps are varied. But I have a big Problem with the Game. And that's the Player Count. Sure, it's immmer a Server staffed by 20 People, but I can't accept on earth that half of the Players have a Ping of over 150ms and more and additionally a few AFK players are up and on. This leads to frequent Situations in which you die around Corners or you encounter uncomprehendable Moments. The Game is noticeably old, also due to the old source engine, which has already been used in Half-Life and Co., which does not hurt the Game. I can therefore not make a clear Recommendation for Dino D-Day, but anyone who sees the Game in the Sale for 99 Cents can happily strike and experience fun hours.