Dinosauria (Occular Malice)
Set out on an adventure to take photos of living, breathing dinosaurs in an adventure to Dino Island.
Di·no·sau·ria ˌdīnəˈsȯrēə
: a group of extinct reptiles widely distributed from the Triassic to the Mesozoic initially differing little from the generalized long-tailed quadrupedal common ancestors of modern birds and crocodilians but later becoming specialized for chiefly terrestrial carnivorous or herbivorous modes of life into distinct bipedal and quadrupedal groups, the latter including the largest known land animals.
- WASD - Move around
- CTRL - Crouch
- SHIFT - Run
- SPACE - Jump
- E - Toggle Camera Viewfinder
- F - Take Picture
- H - Hide HUD
- ALT+F4 - Exit ;)
- 2 square kilometers of island to explore
- 10 different dinosaurs to discover
- Day/Night cycle with weather effects
- Unity 2021
- A* Pathfinding Project Pro by Aaron Granberg
- Gaia Pro 2021 by Procedural Worlds
- Enviro - Sky and Weather by Hendrik Haupt
- Emerald AI 3.0 by Black Horizon Studios
- Crux - Procedural AI Spawner by Black Horizon Studios
- Character Controller SUPER by Aedan Graves
- CUDLR by Proletariat Inc.
- Dinosaurs by Muelsa
- Yughues Free Palm Trees by Nobiax / Yughues
- Free Double Sided Shaders by Ciconia Studio
- EZ Splash Screen by EdgeWay
- Loading Screen by Lovatto Studio
- Western Audio & Music by John Leonard French
- Master Audio 2022 by Dark Tonic Inc.
Dinosauria was made in 2 days for the DINOJAM2 game jam.
The game is currently classified as an "unfinished prototype". A lot of functionality around taking photographs of the dinosaurs was never implemented due to time constraints (and bad planning on our part). However we have a long list of TODO features to implement, systems to rewrite, polish and balance to setup, all to create a fully functional Dinosaur Safari game in a future release post gamejam.