The protective spirit of this town’s small temple finds herself evicted after a devastating fire, leaving her without home or memory. Unknowing of the reasons for such fire, now she must ask for help from her mythical friends to solve this mystery before it’s too late.
A short RPG Maker game based off Scandinavian mythology created by your friendly neighborhood Raybot.
This is the first "chapter" in the series, and I hope to continue this and make all the other chapters too!!
There's only 1 ending, and a few secrets along the way... ;)
Special Thanks To
- Matthew Zimon for music help
- All my Play testers (There are too many of you but I love you all)
PLEASE Feel free to leave comments and stuff if there's any bugs or anything weird! I would like to keep updating it as people play.
Download Instructions: Unzip the zip file on your desktop and open the folder to find the "game" app. (It still has the default RPGMaker thing because Mac is Like That). Double click the game app and enjoy!!