Divided We Fall reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Hello first, came across the game earlier and found it from the first impression (Pictures) quite fat! Uloaded, started and the somewhat meagre tutorial played through ^ ^ The gameplay in itself you already know about playing like "Men of War" or "FAce of War" only that here the entire coordisation is kind of weird!! But the game is mega dead, no players nothing ^ ^ There were still 4 others on but also new and no plan what to do somehow. But still have me looked at it for longer and there are some server/maps there for beginners etc ... You can also create yourself! I've gone on one of these Training Maps against bots or npc. It is about taking several sectors through "Tactically clever" decisions until one of the Factions has taken everything!! But this K.I. just runs on it without any coverage just want to take the next sector quickly. You have up to 4 soldiers that you could get to apart different things: DIe K.I. runs closed to one or all of my soldiers and at the same time the all grenades to my trupp ^ ^ All dead ^ ^ So in things tiktak (Tactics) there is nothing of seeing except storm the Front:D Is possibly, I don't know the Publisher now, nor expandable!! But the game already has some time under its Belt a few times I doubt that very strongly ^ ^ and it can be a really awesome Game, done by these Squad/relads with several people at the same time!! Unfortunately, no one there; ) I don't play it any more, but I'll look at the next updates and who knows possibly ^ ^ Must everyone know for themselves what they're going to be!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Divided We Fall is a multiplayer tactical game set in World War II. The Game has granted a free first Day to all Steam-users for release. This is an interesting Marketing Idea for a pure MP game and perhaps a Version of the server stress test that many MP games have now established in the Form of an open beta weekend. The Idea of the Game is the Battle between two Teams on a comparatively small Battle Map for Control of Sectors. The Team that keeps fewer Sectors loses at Points until the Points bar is empty and the Team has lost. In Principle, we already know This from Battlefield 1942. Each Player controls a Squad of 4 Soldiers. If a Soldier falls, he respawned after a certain Amount of time. So This makes the Game quite a Kind OF MOBA. Also Stands in a certain Vicinity with Total War Arena, as there is also dispensed with THE otherwise customary AI-guided cannon feeding troops in MOBAS and the Player controls not only a "Hero" but (then three) Units. The Game features a PvE and a PvP Mode. As interesting as the Idea is, the Implementation so far is rather borderline. So Whether the Developers really did themselves a Favor with the free Game day as An Advertisement. I don't know. The Game suffered from Lags, too fast Respawn, too small Cards (that sounds like CoD MP:-D) no reasonable Interface control, or not intuitive. The Tutorial is corked. The Graphics are grotd-ugly, maybe the One is supposed to be Retro? In any Case, it vaguely reminds me of RTS from the Period between 1998 and 2002. The Effects are not worth mentioning. The Sound sounds bleach. How and whether you can equip your 4 Soldiers with other Weapons, or whether there is "Distribution of Roles" in the Squads, I don't know. As I said, the Interface seems to be inspired by the old Paradox Games, in The Sense of: Variation a) Read the Manual on pages 743-857, Variant b) repeated trial & Error until one has bobbled out was/wo/wie/why. So my conclusion So far: Interesting Idea, unfortunately poorly implemented. The Game would have been better left in an Early Access or Open Beta Status for a Few more Weeks and sensibly optimized. But I keep an eye on It, because as I said, basically I think that's quite appealing, a Kind of Mix of Company of Heroes and Total War Arena. But perhaps such an ambiniated Project requires more "Power" in the Form of a larger Studio and Publisher. I'm going to watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYbEgAX4rlY