Do Console Dream of Romeo

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Our game is a minimalist tactical game that contains elements from puzzle-platform games. It tells a story about a game console who falls in love with the player.

The goal of the game is to control Juliet, the humanoid game console, and Romeo, the man, to defeat all the enemies chasing them within the grid, and to finally find a paradise where there is no barrier between different species, and they can be in love freely.  

In terms of the game mechanics, we Interpreted the theme ’SHIFT’ from aspects of ‘displacement’ and ‘switch’, players control the displacement of every movable units including the protagonists and the enemies within the grid using the arrow keys. Two protagonists have different skills and objectives, while players are able to launch skills to switch the location between them at any time in order to response to the constant challenges in the game. Our team members are ethusastic fans of Jonathan Blow, that we believe if we have these naturally and beautiful rules set up, the levels will come out of the way to us instead we build them artificially.

The whole experience of the game is similar to that of solving chess endgames, but in a much gentler way. While in the game, players will experience a journey of strategising and consolidating at every step.

We decided to employ the Cyberpunk artistic style for our game, adopting imagines like ’circuit board’, ‘electric conductors’ to represent our game scenes, while the whole scenes are full of dynamic effects and details; Musically, we employed electronic music aesthetics and styles that are more uplifting and dynamic to integrate closely with the artistic style and game mechanics.

How to control:


  • Move: cross key
  • Attack: X
  • Taunt: B
  • Traspose: Y
  • Menu: Start
  • Help: Select
  • Confirm: A
  • Cancel: B


  • Move: cross key
  • Attack: U
  • Taunt: K
  • Transpose: I
  • Menu: Enter
  • Help: Space
  • Confirm: J
  • Cancel:K


  • 我们游戏是一款含推箱子要素的极简化策略战棋游戏,讲述了一段人与游戏机相爱的故事。
  • 游戏的目的是操控身为“人型游戏机”的朱丽叶与身为人类的罗密欧消灭地图内所有追捕他们的敌人,最终寻找到一个种族与种族间没有隔阂,可以自由相爱的乐土。
  • 在游戏机制方面,我们从“位移”和“交换”去解读了SHFIT这个主题,玩家可以用方向键控制地图内控制敌我双方全员单位的位移。两位主角在游戏内有不同的能力和定位,而玩家随时可以发动能力交换两位主角的位置,去应对游戏中各种充满变化的局面。
  • 我方核心主创团队都是吹哥乔纳森布洛的粉丝,我们坚信在设计好这些自洽可信的规则后,关卡内容就会源源不断的自主生成。
  • 整个游戏的体验类似于“象棋”的解残局,但又比象棋更为轻度。在我们的游戏中,可以感受到一段步步为营,运筹帷幄的旅程。
  • 游戏艺术风格上我们采用了赛博朋克风格,以电路板、电容导体等意像来表示游戏场景,整个场景中充满了动态特效与细节;音乐上采用了较为激烈和动感的旋律,与玩法紧密结合。



  • 移动: cross key
  • 攻击: X
  • 嘲讽: B
  • 交换: Y
  • 菜单: Start
  • 帮助: Select
  • 确认: A
  • 取消: B


  • 移动: cross key
  • 攻击: U
  • 嘲讽: K
  • 交换: I
  • 菜单: Enter
  • 帮助: Space
  • 确认: J
  • 取消: K
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 16, 2019

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