Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock reviews

A good Game for Doctor Who Fans with some Bugs. It is basically a Platformer with Mini-games. One moves to the left and right on a 2D level through three-dimensional Areas. Sometimes you have to hide, fight or solve little Puzzles. PRO + The Doctor is just as you know the Doctor. Good Sayings and Voiceover. The Feeling Of the Series comes across super. And you're happy about the Tardis, Cyberman and the Daleks, Of course. The best Level for me was that with the Silence. + Alternately you play the Doctor or River Song. Both have different Skills. + It brings Fun to use the Sonic Screwdriver + The Story is quite cool + Collectibles: 40 Doctor Hats and 40 Diary pages of River Song + Single player and co-op Mode. (I haven't tested Co-op yet). CONTRA-Very many Bugs! It can be that you can suddenly no longer move boxes or be half in the Ground. Or you can't get out of the Charging Screen anymore. -The AI of the Accompanying Figure. For some Puzzles it is necessary that the Attendant follows one to operate 2 Levers at the same time. However, there are Places in the Game where the Character simply does not follow you even though the Path is clear and every Puzzle is solved so far. Sometimes she hangs on to the Ladder, sometimes she plunges herself to her Death. It can happen that going back nothing helps and you even have to Load the last Game stand again. And since there is no way to save beforehand, you always have to start from Level start. -There are very few Mini-games that are repeated often. But They are not real Puzzles or Challenges. Annoying is that you can also die while you are in a Mini-game. It gives rise to a bit of Tension, because you have to hurry, but it is still rather unfair and disturbing. -Me personally, the Game is too short. NEUTRAL o The Levels are not bad in themselves, but some are too simple And in some people you simply run too big Detours. No Replay Value FAZIT You Can already hear the typical Doctor Who music at the Beginning and are thrilled, the Graphics are not the Best, but you are still looking forward to the Game. But the monotonous Gameplay, the many Bugs and the rather short Game do not give rise to any Joy. You can get through the Levels quite quickly, except for some unfair Spots and Bugs. Then another little Boss fight and the Game is finished. But the End is open, one expects it to go further, because it has somehow not been completely dissolved. Still, Fans can get the Game quiet as there are enough Moments in the Game to be excited about. It's just great to play the Doctor. :)