Domenick's revenge

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My submission for the Games Jobs Live Game Parade 2020 - Seize the day. A 7 day game jam I took part in solo.

Seize the day to take revenge and lay destruction against your most hated nemesis after he destroys your life and love.


Replenish ammo by jumping above enemies and then holding shift to smash downward.

Shoot down inbound tracking rockets or use the maps buildings to hide.

Aim - mouse

Fire - mouse1

Jump - spacebar

Jetpack - (While in air) spacebar

Slam - (While in air) (hold) shift 

Note: The boss ship will not appear in the playing space in this version(bug).  If you survive the 120s it takes to call on the boss, consider yourself victorious.

Assets and tools-

Music supplied by Universal Music for purposes of this jam.

Unity 2020.x

Blender 2.83

assault mech -

archanor vfx -

Synty packs - polygon city, polygon prototype, polygon nature 

Forge3D battleships - Alex' ship Stylized explosions -

Flat cell kit

Some comments:

The scope of this was probably a bit extreme for 1 person of my ability for 1 week so I wasn't able to get it to the place I was really aiming for in time. This was my 2nd ever jam so I'm still learning how to scope for game jams (and games in general!).

As such, the end product ended up buggier and less complete than I'd wish for, including a horrible spawn-the-boss-out-of-play bug which you miiight be able to get around only if you get to the highest building at the back and look high and left into the distance but basically I don't expect anyone to get a victory in this version which sucks because I was quite stoked about the victory cinematic and the music (Bulletproof) that accompanied it.

Further still, as luck would have it, the hard drive with everything related to this project bricked itself just a day after submission and me being the idiot I am, ignored version control (which is so not me, I version control everything, except this one, can you believe it?!)... Sadly this means I can't work any further on this project to bring it to the level I envisioned. 

Anyway, I really hope it can bring some joy into your life for a few minutes :')

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Oct 23, 2020

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