My first post here. Please be kind.So here a few cards from my Celtic set. This set has lots of cards, 20 Shelters (4 Action, 4 Reaction, 4 Victory, 4 Night, and 4 Treasure), a dozen Heirlooms (including six of the original), and eight Prizes (including four original). About half are other's designs. I wanted a set that made more use of the Heirlooms. So there are two cards that use each Heirloom.I think the cards largely speak for themselves.I'm not sure if i priced Horse Trainer well.The Heirloom Fae Gold is almost the same as Cursed Gold, but you get a Fae Spell instead. Fae Spell is Carline's card. It is a cantrip with -1VP and the type Action & Cursed. FYI, in my games the card Curse has the type Cursed.Nice is a state that i have used on about two dozen cards. Using it helps to keep card text down and is handy in avoiding attacks.Let me know what you think.
As in the previous version, I decided to treat the original cards like a 2nd edition that replaces 100% of the cards. Well now, Vineyard, Apothecary, University, Alchemist and Apprentice are honestly perfectly fine in their current form IMO. But since I'm trying to provide a different perspective here and remove the Potion mechanic, I also had to try and do potionless version of those cards. There aren't many changes here compared to v.3; but I'll go through the cards regardless.Some cards basically 1:1, some only have a hint of the original premise. The reason I chose new names and art is so that it really appears like a proper 2nd edition (only that it's more than that).THE 2nd EDITION CARDS Vineyard -> Herb Garden: Well, it's not the same card, but it's similar. Having to discard a Silver is a way to make sure you can't get too many of these in one turn in the absence of Potion, while still being able to technically spend $0 the turn you buy it.University -> School: Obvious pick for debt, so it can't gain itself. The below-the-line-text simulates the delaying effect of Potion.Herbalist -> Perfumer: The original card is, like, completely fine. With the recent renaissance (not the expansion) of treasure cards, it's not as weak as it used to be, but still quite niche. But since Potion is gone here, it's not so compelling for it to stay around. Perfumer strengthens the action theme of Alchemy, and acts as a cheap, terminal pendant of Scheme (from Hinterlands).Apothecary -> Dispensary Pretty much the same card, it's arguably even stronger on average since it won't draw you potions in games where it's the only Potion card (or where the other potion cards are worthless). Has below-the-text delay as School.Apprentice -> Adept: How's this for a promotion. No, a debt clause is not worth the extra text IMO. It looks simpler and cleaner this way.Scrying Pool -> Observatory: It's pretty readable now, and gives you the best part of the experience of the original card. Since you need to prepare for it to work anyway, it doesn't seem to need any kind of clause simulating the Potion delay.Golem -> Occultist: My plan was to call the new one "Servant" and find some good alternative art for a golem. Alas, nothing comes even close to the original card art. Golem for $5 is still relatively niche, but this price point just feels right. Familiar -> Spellbinder: The problem with the original card was its swinginess. The new one is way less swingy, slower in its cursing, but it also just doesn’t "disappear" in your deck once the curses run out. I consider that a fair deal for $5.Possession -> Plagiarist: Big Smugglers (from Seaside) is what Donald X. once suggested for replacing Possession, so that's what I attempted here. No VP because that's too generous, and it being a somewhat akward duration card (giving you nothing on the next turn) helps with avoiding a tracking nightmare; you gain those cards as they come in. It's also really important that it only gains you cards during your opponent's turn, otherwise we'd have some insane 13-pile-out if both players have their Plagiarists in play.Alchemist > Royal Laboratory: Did I already mention that I do like the Potion mechanic? Alchemist is the biggest reason why, it's such a nifty Lab. There's definitely no way to redo that card 1:1. Well anyway, Royal Lab tries something similar, it's tied to an expensive Treasure you won't mind having around because you can use it for other things, but the card itself is also in the $6 tier. .Link to the 2nd Edition cards in separated pictures on imgur Next post: The other debt cards, and some off-theme cards.
The main impotus for this card was my desire to have more Action cards that play Treasures. I find myself wanting to interact more with Treasures that have cool effects (like Figurine) during my Action phase.Do you think the VP effect is too strong? If so, how would you change it? I tried quite a few variations out but they all seemed too powerful.
There are 3 main types of players that the rating system produces:The Robotic HotshotUsually has an elo of high 40s to low 60s. Not because of a more deft understanding of the game. But because they PLAY. TO. WIN. and they are very very familiar with the most effective engine cards in the game and gobble them up asap. Idk if it's impressive to do this I mean, no question effective, but it's kinda like using a sledgehammer to hammer a nail. And yes obv this is the crux of success to the game itself. Either way it creates a very intense environment that is best suited to tournament play. Maybe 1/10 of the elite elo players I've played in 10000 games are actually clever geniuses, mostly just robotic.The Malicious MisanthropeUsually has an elo of high 30s to low 40s. They also play to win but aren't on point enough to craft a flawless engine so they resort to A LOT of mostly tedious attack cards. Playing all 10 knights for instance; these people are why stuff like torturer was removed. Or they buy the 10 castle for the sole reason to render your other 9 castles mathematically incapable of being enough to win. Either way you lose miserably or you endure a miserable game that takes half an hour to end. Even the winner still loses. Ugh. The Hasty HeuristicThis is where I'm stuck currently as I've gotten more insecure about my rating in recent weeks. This style doesn't have the energy to follow through with a full deck build so it figures out exactly how much it needs to simply end with 51% of the available victory points. Then buys their provinces asap. Like the quote from Bill Grates of Michaelsoft about the lazy person being best for the job as they'll find the quickest most effective route to success. Makes for a "what's the point" type of game. Sigh.So at the end of the day.By all means ratings are interesting, I'd just encourage more unrated games.This post in no way seeks to cast aspersions on Arpad Elő creator of the type of rating as it is beautiful genius with relatively very good predictive value.
Has there ever been a Dominion Halloween tournament? There's so many options now for kingdoms consisting only of spooky cards.Witch, Werewolf, Haunted Wood, the Cursed many options.If anyone has custom kingdoms or links to games for all Halloween-ish cards, please share!
I posted the first version of this card yesterday, and after some reflection and feedback deemed that it was WAY too strong and didn't encourage the game to end.This version retains the spirit of v1 while introducing Villagers, making for a much more balanced card while still having a nice upside.