Don't Push Me (itch)
Square off against your friends in this life-or-death shoving simulator!
2 Player Local Competitive 1v1. Best played with gamepads. Should work with any gamepad you plug into it.
Game by Jakeypoo (Jacob Clayman), @JManoclay
Audio by Ian Smith
See more at my Portfolio :)
You can rebind the default controls using the KeyboardBindings.txt file. If no controllers or gamepads are plugged in, the game will default to those keys. Try to stick to lower case characters. If a character doesn't work, try typing in it's name, like "quote" instead of """. Not all keys are supported, but alpha/numeric should work for the most part. Also try not to muck up the formatting in the bindings file. It's formatted in JSON and if you mess it up it won't work at all. Also don't rename it. Gotta replace with the backup if that happens.
Defaults are:
Player 1:
G - Dash
H- Jump
Player 2:
Arrow Keys
; - Dash (colon/semicolon)
' - Jump (apostrophe/quote)