Don't Stop (itch) (Alvaro_Roger)
Don't Stop is a narrative puzzle-2D platformer where the player has to discover how to use gravity fields, boosts and more.
At the moment, I developed a little prototype. This prototype is meant to be the beginning of the videogame, a kind of vertical slice of a really platform-side part. As a prototype, it can (will) contain errors. It would be kind if you point out new bugs at the comments! ^^ I will update the bugs list below!
"Special" controls: You can pause the game pressing "P".
- José Luis Murcia Gámez: Voice actor and some programming.
- Álvaro Roger Zapata: Game director, designer, lead programmer, artist and writer.
- Music: Message To Bears. Working on updating this as fast as possible.
Bugs detected / Working on:
- Gravity system not always consistent.
- Camera lag when updating its configuration (sometimes).
- Can't start game when going back to menu (temporal solution: reopen the game).
- Finding some royalty free music.