Dracula 1: Resurrection (android) reviews

I'm just saying if someone played the Original Game on the PS1 will get upset about the cutscenes.!! In addition, you can neither save nor save the Game if the BUGS appear more and more often towards the End of the Game! The Price is even at 70% Discount enough.!!
Dracula 1 of the Classics of my Then PSX-PC Times Old memories come back high this SPiel Used to play very often along with my Dad game is already very old games but again and again like again:D Know The game By Heart that I played it completely in about 1-2 Hours:))
So as an old Fan of the Series Would not recommend to the Remake version just because of 1 Reason because it was not as in the original Version of 1999 all the Puzzles were taken out, which is very negative as a result. But for People like me the pc Version wouldn't get up and running I'd rather recommend the Emu version on the PS1 all the version of Remake, which is exactly the same as on mobile Is bsp iphone and android
I think the Idea to tell the Dracula Roman more and the Game itself can come across quite atmospherically. Therefore, I can recommend the Game to all Fans of the Book if:-these wish for a continuation of the Novel-they (as I do not know) do not know the original Version of this 1999 game-may not like these light Point & Click games-not too much Attention to a perfect Graphic leg en-and especially when this Game is on Offer, because €5am for just under 2 Hours of Play is a little expensive in my Eyes! If you can't say YES on these Points, you should leave your Fingers off this Game, otherwise there is a risk of a bitter Disappointment or therefore the largely negative Evaluation of this Game comes from here.
The Worst Games series I've ever seen In Life. At that time, unfortunately, there was no Refund and today Steam is unfortunately replying to it. I can't recommend the Whole Series to anyone. Graphics very bad, Gameplay very Sad, Game experience equal to 0. So far I have never wanted to write a bad Review, but here at this time I do an Exception. Part 1 already has so many Flaws and Quirks that even for a Point & Click Adventure of its Time is already a very very weak performance. After 9 minutes I threw it aside and got angry animal about the loss of Money, because the Pictures at Steam looked promising! But that's true. The Game often hangs tight and Clicking with the Mouse will rob many after a few minutes as last Nerve. I hope that at this Point I could save many Users the same Fate as me ... Click Games you can recommend Are definitely games like Monky Iland or Deponia ... Super Stories and clean game Dynamics ^^