Dragon Bones: Cleaning Demo

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  • What is Dragon Bones Cleaning Demo?

This demo is designed to demonstrate the Fossil Cleaning System, designed for the currently in development project: Dragon BonesCleaning is the process in which you carve fossils out of the rocks they hide in. You are provided with three tools in order to accomplish this: an x-ray, hammer, and a drill.

 The x-ray allows you to see the fossil trapped in the rock.
 The hammer allows you to break through the toughest layers of rock. However, if you use it too much, you will potentially break the fossil.
 The drill allows you punctured holes through the rock and (if you are not careful) the fossil.

Meet XK4-V8, he is here to guide you on your fossil digging journey. If you have any questions, just ask him

When you're finished playing the demo, please answer the questions below with your most HONEST opinion.

1. How was the quality of the button response?

2. How was the quality of the hammer? 

3. How was the quality of the drill? 

4. How do you feel about the amount of time available to clean the fossil rock? 

5. We're there any noticeable bugs or glitching?

6. How do you feel overall about the cleaning system?

7. How do you feel about the fossil  durability?

8. How do you feel about the rock durability?

Fixed the following bugs:

  • Fixed rock durability.
  • Added slight adjustments to the drill.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Jul 30, 2021

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