Dragon Rift
Lore: You were just taking a walk when you see a group of people sneak into a warehouse. You were curious so you followed them in. You see what looks to be a rift in the middle of the warehouse and before you can do anything else the rift pulls you in. You wake up with a weird contraption on your arm that can shoot plasma balls. There are dangers such as spikes and dragons you must overcome.
Arrow Keys - Move(Jump, Left, Right)
esc - Pause
left shift - dash
space - shoot
Get to the portal to advance to the next level
10 levels but technically, the last one is just a little playground with no portal to the next level for people who have beat the other levels.
Brackeys, bendux, and BlackThornProd - majority of the code
-Xaf- for the music(Links: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/-Xaf-/ , https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC16ha9XN8MFecAO1RK9eNaw)