Dragon Tetris
This is an implementation of the most excellent (if ancient) Tetris for Terminals, which I spent more time playing at University than I should have done.
Built originally as a test case for DragonRuby, it turned out to be a remarkably complete are playable game so I've decided to release it here. Source code and a walk through of the code can all be found over on GitHub.
Scoring in DragonTT is wonderfully rudimentary. You get points for each piece you drop (ranging from 2 to 5 points depending on the piece) and points for clearing a line (10 points per line). There is no bonus for dropping. No bonus for clearing multiple lines at once.
There are no ghosts to help guide you.
There is no 'next piece' to let you prepare.
There is just you and an infinite supply of Tetronimoes.