## Description
Your mission is to break your curse before time runs out
It's a dungeon crawler game where your main mechanic is the ability to drink potions to delay your death
You'll live as long as you keep drinking potions and surviving enemy hits
## Credits
- https://pixel-poem.itch.io/dungeon-assetpuck
- https://o-lobster.itch.io/simple-dungeon-crawler-16x16-pixel-pack
- https://rgsdev.itch.io/animated-top-down-character-base-template-in-pixel-art-rg...
- https://0x72.itch.io/dungeonui
- https://www.kenney.nl/assets/rpg-audio
- https://www.kenney.nl/assets/ui-audio
- https://www.kenney.nl/assets/kenney-fonts
- DivKid - Icelandic Arpeggios