Average Playtime: 6 hours

Dream Dealer △

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Dream Dealer is a first person exploration game were you take your dream and start a long journey between worlds.

You'll never know if what you see is real, or if you are in trance.

An experimental game made to delight your sensory system.

Surreal game inspirate in titles like: The Stanley Parable, Dear Esther or Mind: Path to Thalamus were the principal objective is to show what mind isn't able to imagine.

It is also a Puzzle game that throws you into a fantastic and surreal environment were your dreams will be difficult to control.

The story is explained by inner thoughts that will guide you through your dreams.

Sometimes they will try to confuse and deceive you...

This game can be described in this words: Walking Simulator, Indie, Short, Atmospheric, Casual Story, Abstract, Adventure, Singleplayer , Mystery, Experimental, Interactive Fiction, Horror, Psychological, Relaxing and Fantasy.


Dream Dealer ist ein Erkundungsspiel aus der Egoperspektive, welches dich durch deinen eigenen Traum leitet und zu einer zwischenweltlichen Entdeckungsreise einlädt.

Dabei wirst du nie genau wissen, ob das Erlebte real ist oder du dich in Trance befindest.

Ein experimentelles Spiel, das deine Wahrnehmungen beeinflusst und deine Reflexe auf die Probe stellt.

Ein surreales Spiel, welches unter anderem von: The Stanley Parable, Dear Esther oder Mind: Path to Thalamus inspiriert wurde und unbekannte Bereiche des menschlichen Geistes erforscht.

Außerdem beinhaltet es einige Puzzles, die dich in eine phantastische und surreale Umgebung entführen. Dahin, wo Träume nur schwer kontrollierbar sind.

Die Story setzt sich aus tiefen Gedanken und Gefühlen zusammen - sie werden dich durch deine zahlreichen Träume leiten.

Manchmal werden sie versuchen dich zu verwirren oder zu täuschen...

Dream Dealer kann mit den folgenden Worten beschrieben werden: Walking Simulator, Indie, Kurz, Atmosphärisch, Casual Story, Abstrakt, Abenteuer, Singleplayer, Mystisch, Experimental, Interaktive Fiktion, Horror, Psychologisch, Entspannung und Fantasie.
Release date
Eternity Studios
Eternity Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP2+
  • Processor: Compatible con el conjunto de instrucciones SSE2.
  • Graphics: DX9 (modelo de shader 3.0) o DX11 con capacidades de funciones de nivel 9.3.

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04+
  • Processor: Compatible con el conjunto de instrucciones SSE2.
  • Graphics: DX9 (modelo de shader 3.0) o DX11 con capacidades de funciones de nivel 9.3.
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Dream Dealer △ reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
"Dream Dealer" is a First-Person Exploration Game. We're in Space somewhere. Not standing on a Planet, but just floating somewhere in Space. A few Seconds later, we land on a Surface, walk a few Feet and find ourselves in another Universe for a few Seconds. Then we land back on a fantasy surface, bouncing over some Abysses and ... Find us again in some other Dimension ... "The Story is made up of deep Thoughts and Feelings" says in the Game Description. You can already get deep Feelings while Playing. Feelings of Hatred and Contempt for so much Ineptitude. The Game compares to "Stanley Parabel" in the Description. Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? The Game wants nothing, can do nothing and is merely a Collection of Arbitrariness. It doesn't tell anything. Absolutely nothing. The Hovering texts sometimes found are not profound, but completely senseless. Yes, but they are Dreams. It's Art, sort of. An Experiment. Bs! It endlessly excites me how many Idiots simply want to sell their Incapacity as art or Experiment. If you claim to think, but then only vegeat, you shouldn't design Games. Technically, the Whole thing is also just Rotz. Apart from the terrible Control: Those Who Glue backgrounds so dilletantisch together should visit the Kindergarten again. The only Bearable thing about this Garbage is the Music. However, it consists only of Tracks, which are really good in themselves, but have absolutely nothing to do with the Game. Rating: Which + +/10 Story 3/10 Graphic 7/10 Sound 2,10 Game Mechanics 0/10 Balancing 0/10 Game Pass Conclusion: Nightmare Dealer. +% Overall
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Product received for free I received this game as a gift and I started to start well before giving a concrete opinion. I like games from independent studios, but this one made me ask many questions about the verification that valve performs on the games bought on steam. The game does not have a tutorial strictly speaking, since in the first level, the goal is to walk straight, either on a thin platform or on a vacuum when the game does not arrive a loader the textures of the platforms. We are guided by text, which also becomes very pixelated when we get closer. The first thing we notice about each phase between levels is a background composed of a multi-color image. This background does not appear to be suitable for some screen resolutions, as there may be unexpected stretching of the image, or a portion of the white screen not covered by the image. Other elements come to dull the game experience: the hitboxes of the platrformes are anarchic, the textures Flash, the lenses are blurry since there is no HUD, no explanation or any story, the texts aiming to "Troller" the player are quickly tiring, some elements are placed incomprehensively to mask the "empty" nature of the game (in level 3, where you have to walk to the end of each platerforme, you will find a waterfall of water making the height of my knees, floating in the void, masking the platforms grotesquely placed below each other.), finally this game is terribly short (less than half an hour taking its time). In summary, dream dealer is only a "base" of an unfinished game. The main feeling is not the boredom but the impression that the developers have presented a finished work "in a hurry". Graphics: 2/10. Even if I conceive that it is a game made by an independent Studio, it is not very beautiful to see. Playability: 1/10. No HUD, no clear lens, and Miss 3/4 of its jumps because of the approximate hitboxes, it's not fun. No tutorial. History: 0/10. No history. Soundtrack: 3/10. In accordance with the theme, but quickly annoying. Lifespan: 0/10. 25 minutes to finish it, counting 5 minutes to wait on the long loading phases between levels, and counting 15 minutes of "where do I go? /I have to go where? " General: 1/10. 4 euros for an unfinished game, this is not acceptable. Flash games do better than that, and yet they're free.
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