Dream Fight 19 A.D.

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Two years ago, the strongest fighting game characters fought a shady guy in shades (the ultimate villain codifier). One year ago, they fought Yuji Naka (no shades but still a villain if he was responsible for Sonic 06) and Evil itself, which looked suspiciously like Abyss from Marvel vs Capcom 2.  They lost, and paid a heavy price, either dying or getting stuck in heinous illusion traps called fighting towers that suck out their fighting energy. Now, they must free themselves from the towers, revive their dead friends and make their way to the final battle... DREAM FIGHT 19 A.D.!

Note: Saving the game is in the options, please use it if you want to save progress in Story mode! (I recommend saving after each tower/hell clear!)

Note again: Dreamcast version still needs some testing, will be up later.

Note: This is a Dolmexica Infinite mod, which in turn is a Mugen interpreter for Windows/Web/Dreamcast.

Controls for Windows/Web:

  • Movement - Arrow keys
  • Weak punch - Q
  • Medium punch - W
  • Strong punch - E
  • Weak kick - A
  • Medium kick - S
  • Strong kick - D
  • Start - Enter
  • Advance text during cutscenes - A
  • Movement during cutscenes - Arrow keys
  • Full screen: CTRL + Enter for Windows / F8 for Web (make sure to click game in firefox first or fullscreen will fail)
  • Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - Escape
  • Instant Win - F1

Controls for Dreamcast:

  • Movement - D Pad or Analog stick
  • Weak punch - X
  • Medium punch - Y
  • Strong punch - L
  • Weak kick - A
  • Medium kick - B
  • Strong kick - R
  • Start - Start
  • Advance text during cutscenes - A
  • Movement during cutscenes - D Pad or Analog stick
  • Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - A+B+X+Y+Start (Standard Dreamcast combo)

Additional notes:

  • KFM character and stage made by Elecbyte: http://www.elecbyte.com/mugendocs-11b1/mugen.html
  • Sources (might contain spoilers): https://pastebin.com/7GmW3xRz
  • This is an in-development Mugen interpreter for Dreamcast, so all glitches, false behaviours and other uncanny stuff happening with the characters/stages are not the original creators' fault, but rather reflect this developmental status.
  • The more technical Mugen-on-Dreamcast stuff should go in this thread if possible: http://dreamcast-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3320
  • The Dreamcast version does currently not support 50Hz mode, so please make sure your TV can display 60Hz (or use a VGA cable).
  • Source code is on github: http://github.com/CaptainDreamcast/DolmexicaInfinite/

Thanks for playing!

Release date
Captain Dreamcast
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 19, 2020

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