Dreams of Greatness

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Империя и Океания - две великие державы этого мира, враждующие друг с другом с незапамятных времен. Жители первой обладали магией и могучими духовными скрепами, в то время, как вторые развивали науку и пользовались ее дарами. После долгой борьбы, Океания решила завоевать Империю хитростью. Под видом обычных технических средств, коварные супостаты стали поставлять в Империю устройства, зомбирующие людей и подбивающие их на бунт, чтобы разделить общество и развязать гражданскую войну. К счастью, этот коварный план был раскрыт, и вся цифровая техника, по указу могучего лидера страны- Светлоликого, подверглась уничтожению и полному запрету.

Спустя некоторое время, Океания попыталась захватить Империю силой, применив против нее ядерное оружие. Великий Император Замран, преемник самого Светлоикого, дал отпор врагам. При помощи древнего артефакта "Духовной скобы" он перенаправил большинство снарядов обратно, частично превратив Океанию в радиоактивный пепел. Однако некоторые из боеголовок все же поразили Империю, из-за чего на ее территории развелось множество мутантов. Через несколько лет Империя возвела огромную стену - "Стальной щит", оградив себя не только от разрухи западного мира, но и миллионов нелегальных эмигрантов, рванувшихся в благоустроенную страну искать спасения.

2037 год. Выжившие после ядерного удара жители Океании, вынашивают хитроумный план мести. Их пособники, находящиеся в Империи, спокойно ожидают своего часа. Однако ни каверзы заокеанских держав, ни мутанты, появившиеся из-за радиации, не могут помешать Империи жить тихой и стабильной жизнью в полном единении с природой.
Steel Fox
Steel Fox
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: WindowsR 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Dreams of Greatness reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I liked the game, it has humor, an interesting story, live characters who want to empathize, as well as a lot of references of all sorts and colors. It is Evident that it is invested in efforts. Although, the game is cool, it is still far from being certified. I have forgiven the game for 8 hours and are generally happy, but this understatement is just killing. At the end of the game of endings, as in the ruler of the Rings) P.S. Dude your project has great potential, do not miss it. Maybe You can create a group in VC and keep in touch, or at least give us a little more news. Will there be any of them from the Balcony and Kai?
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free Let's divide Dreams of Greatness into two components: 1. What the developer did not do. 2. What the developer did. Let's Start with the first item. The Game was created on the standard for jRPG engine with the vast majority of embedded in it Assetov. A Bit of effort the author has spent on avatar characters that appear when they speak, and it is possible that some figures of the characters were created by him. They are Drawn on the C grade, but their function in the game perform. Second Point. In Addition to the aforementioned affectation, the author invested only in the plot. And He also has questions, but I'd rather leave them at your discretion. I Just do not understand these humorous plots with endless references to our reality, where instead of Hillock sold Hawthorn, and the main villain-some George Georgievich Tupin, former BCG-Shnik. The Author sees that, well, his right, but puns-it is one of the most primitive types of humor, of which almost any person grows quite controversial, somewhere towards the end of the school-university. I couldn't pass the game until the end. He went around the world, pumped, bought weapons and armor, rapidly moving on the story, but at some point he was in the next boss with a huge amount of health immediately after several battles in which he spent most of the items. Usually in such moments you just need to take the preservation early and longer farm, but... I realized I didn't have the slightest desire to do it. My verdict is simple: Are you sure that you want to spend time on the jRPG on your knees, if the Asians who have stuffed in this hand let out a few such a masterpiece a day, and some are so good that they win the love of even foreign players? The Answer to this question will help you decide whether you will buy Dreams of Greatness. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CURATOR AND JOIN THE GROUP
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