DREDGER (Pseudonym_Tim)
Dredger is an old school rougelite dungeon crawler where you loot chests to obtain random abilities and buffs to help you fight and progress through dungeons, all while also completing warioware esque minigames to perform certain actions and dynamic music changes the pace of the game! You play as Greg, a rather bored Possum who searches places far and wide for random stuff to get his stupid grubby hands on. He's finally caught a break and found some strange dungeon to explore.
The level layouts may not be randomized, but most other entities in them are, such as treasure chests and their loot, shopkeepers, enemy placements, and most pickups, adding more replayability!
Collect trinkets that can do things ranging from just giving simple stat buffs, to more unique items, such as one that can prevent damage of enemies that aren't on the screen!
Fight whacky enemies, such as a fox that really likes to stab people, a cute little slime, a trumpet with legs for some reason, and an annoying bat!
Find the shopkeeper throughout the levels to buy items using the gold you've found if you don't fancy relying on luck to find a cool item yourself, each shopkeeper can sell you random loot as well as pickups such as ammo!