Driving School (Toombler)
This is a strange Sokoban-like about piloting a line of characters which can pivot on its ends.
I've had this mechanic on the backburner for a while and thought I might as well put out a version of it. Originally the inspiration was a kind of "opposite Stephen's Sausage Roll", and then I generalised the movement from there.
Feel free to skip levels using the level select.
Made using Pancelor's level select fork for Puzzlescript.
- Z is undo
- R is restart
- WASD or arrow keys for movement. Move in the forward or backward direction as normal. Pressing the direction of either of the two ends engages a turn pivoting around that end - this may take a bit to get used to.
- ESC exits to the level select or menu.
- M is mute
Vanilla PuzzleScript link: https://www.puzzlescript.net/play.html?p=dbe2d7356de6b37d759acb7379290189