Drone Wars (itch) (Kozy Games, KittyMyuChan)
This game was made for the mini Game Jam 56: Sky
It is my very first game at all and I did that by coding in Java
Art: KittyMyuChan
Code: https://kozy-games.itch.io
Unfortunately, it is only the scaffolding of what I initially wanted to do, which is why the only thing you can do in this moment is to fly around.
Game Jam Theme: Sky, Limitations: 2 additional themes.
Theme Sky: you are in control of a drone
Theme War zone: You are in an undefined dessert village, which is surrounded by a dark storm.
Theme Donut: There are literally donuts on the map (which just like the houses, disappear after some time because of a bug, ). In addition, you can fly donuts.
Controls are inside the game. Use shift/capslock to decent/ascent. Press "W" in the direction you are looking at.