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I made this playable simulation as a tribute to healthcare workers battling the current Covid outbreak. It tries to capture the stress they face in treating an increasing patient load with limited manpower, medical supplies and equipment to save as many lives as they can.

A closer look into the meaning behind it...
In this simulation, your role is that of a healthcare worker. Save patients by sending hearts to heal them before their health drops to zero! The hearts represent the medical care and human touch of healthcare workers, while the little people represent patients seeking treatment at different stages of illness (due to varying disease severity, baseline health and access to healthcare). If you listen carefully, the beeps signify the patient monitors and alarms that go off in hospital wards.

...and if you notice, when multiple deaths happen at the same time in this simulation, it is recorded as a single death! This doesn't actually happen in real life but it alludes to the terrifying possibility of patients falling through the cracks of the system when patient load becomes too high to cope with (which is what healthcare systems strive to avoid).

So, while our healthcare workers do their part, let's all do ours by practising social responsibility. Minimize contact, mask up, adopt good personal hygiene and take care!

As for the title, this tribute is meant for all healthcare workers, not just doctors. I just chose to call it "DRSABC" as this stands for "danger, response, send for help, airway, breathing, circulation" and is a popular mnemonic used by healthcare workers for emergency response.

This simulation is playable in the browser, both on computers and touch-screen devices. It may take a while to load so please be patient :)

If not, you can always download the files for Windows or Mac under the downloads section below. When launching the simulation on your computer, you might get a notice about security. Choose to run the game anyway. On Mac, you may need to open the Security and Privacy tab in System Preferences. For optimal graphics resolution, do try to play the simulation in windowed mode instead of full-screen.

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Not rated

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DRSABC screenshot, image №2398360 - RAWG
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Last Modified: May 29, 2020

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