DrunkenShooter FPS
Theme: The character you control is drunk and therefore experiences some weird behavior and hallucinations.
Gameplay: Sandbox fps where you can walk around and shoot the cult enemies. There is a radio in the level that plays music. You can shoot the radio to change what it is playing. Collect weapons scattered on the map to unlock the weapon or refill the ammo. The level changes color every time the player tries to jump to emphasize the hallucinations.
* WASD or ZQSD to move
* SPACE to try to jump (since the character is drunk he will consistantly fail to jump)
* R to reload
* P to pause game and open options menu.
Extra info: project made in Unity. Used ProBuilder for the basicobjects. The guns I modelled myself. The game was made over the span of 2 days for a school project. The model for the minigun is based on the minigun from the character Poharan in the game Blade and Soul.