Due Tomorrow - Do Tomorrow

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Full ink code. SPOILERS AHEAD.

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You wake up dazed.
"Where am I?" you wonder.
Looking around, your realize you fell asleep in the library.

"What time is it?"

+[Look at clock] ->Clock


Looking at the clock, you see it is 8:32 am.

"OH S**T! Dr. Frank's research project is due today!"

You are consumed by panic as you realize you fell asleep before you even started. Class is in an hour. What do you do?
+[Write something last minute]->BeginWriting
+[Hope Dr. Frank forgives you]->WriteNothing

You say to yourself, "Dr. Frank's a great guy. I'm sure he will forgive me."

Unfortunately, he does not. You get a 0.

-> END

You pull out sheet of notebook paper and frantically get started.
You decide it is impossible to write all 5000 words right now. Your goal is to persuade Dr. Frank to give you an extension.
How should you start your letter?

+(badOpen)["Wassup Dr. Frank. I know you're busy but I gotta ask for a favor"] ->Write1
+(formalOpen)["Hello Dr. Frank. I have a request regarding our research project due today"] -> Write1


You have written your first sentence. You now need to tell Dr. Frank what you want from him.

+(active1)["I could not finish the research project and would like some more time to work on it."] -> Write2
+(passive1)["The research project could not be completed by me in time and more time is needed to finish it."] -> Write2
+(buriedSubject)["I would like to know where you got this project idea from, when did you first introduce it to your class, whether I could get an extension or not, and how the requirements have changed for the different times you taught this class."] -> Write2

Nice. Now you've told him what you want. Now how can you convince him? What evidence should you use?
+(logicalEvidence)["According to a Chronicle article written by Professor Ellen Boucher, deadlines compound student stress in a time when they are already overwhelmed with work. A lenient late policy will produce higher quality work. (Source: www.chronicle.com/article/It-s-Time-to-Ditch-Our/237530) "] = -> Conclusion
+(uncitedEvidence)["Deadlines make students stressed out when we already have lots of work for other classes. A high number of students get depressed from the overwhelming pressure and a better late policy would make things much better."] -> Conclusion
+(emotionalEvidence)["I know you care about your students. I am normally extremely excited for you class, but I have been extremely stressed. I would greatly appreciate an extension. Anything you can spare would be helpful."] -> Conclusion
+(badEmotionalEvidence)["My school year is extremely hard. I spend 19 hours a day doing work and I never sleep. I have no free time and I devote my entire existence to trying to finish this homework you've given me. I am normally a great student, so I would appreciate if you could give me an extension."] -> Conclusion
+(noEvidence)[I don't need any evidence] -> Conclusion

Great work! Now you have your introduced your point and provided evidence on why he should listen to you. How will you conclude?

+(commasplice)["Thank you for your time professor, I hope you will consider my request"] ->Picture
+(runon)["Thank you for your time professor for I hope that I have convinced you of my goals and I want you to know that whatever your position is, I will respect it and accept my consequences"] ->Picture
+(goodend)["Regardless of what you decide, I am thankful you took the time to read this" ] -> Picture

Perfect! Your letter is complete. As you are about to print it out, you think about adding some sort of graphic. After a quick Google search, you select two candidates.

# IMAGE: mmt_images/cat.jpg
# IMAGE: mmt_images/mental.png

+(catPhoto)[Cat Photo] -> Turnin
+(mentalHealthPhoto)[Mental Health Graphic] -> Turnin
+(noPhoto)[I don't need a photo. My writing is good enough] ->Turnin

You rush to class, running faster than you ever have in your life. In the end you manage to arrive right at 9:30am.

"Dr. Frank! I have something for you."

Your final letter reads:
{BeginWriting.badOpen: Wassup Dr. Frank. I know you're busy but I gotta ask for a favor.}
{BeginWriting.formalOpen: Hello Dr. Frank. I have a request regarding our research project due today.}
{Write1.active1: I could not finish the research project and would like some more time to work on it.}
{Write1.passive1: The research project could not be completed by me in time and more time is needed to finish it.}
{Write1.buriedSubject: I would like to know where you go this project idea from, when did you first introduce it to your class, whether I could get an extension or not, and how the requirements have changed for the different times you taught this class.}
{Write2.logicalEvidence:According to a Chronicle article written by Professor Ellen Boucher, deadlines compound student stress in a time when they are already overwhelmed with work. A lenient late policy will produce higher quality work. (Source: www.chronicle.com/article/It-s-Time-to-Ditch-Our/237530). }
{Write2.uncitedEvidence: Deadlines make students stressed out when we already have lots of work for other classes. A high number of students get depressed from the overwhelming pressure and a better late policy would make things much better. }
{Write2.emotionalEvidence: I know you care about your students. I am normally extremely excited for you class, but I have been extremely stressed. I would greatly appreciate an extension. Anything you can spare would be helpful. }
{Write2.badEmotionalEvidence: My school year is extremely hard. I spend 19 hours a day doing work and I never sleep. I have no free time and I devote my entire existence to trying to finish this homework you've given me. I am normally a great student, so I would appreciate if you could give me an extension.}
{Conclusion.commasplice: Thank you for your time professor, I hope you will consider my request }
{Conclusion.runon: Thank you for your time professor for I hope that I have convinced you of my goals and I want you to know that whatever your position is, I will respect it and accept my consequences. }
{Conclusion.goodend: Regardless of what you decide, I am thankful you took the time to read this.}

+[Accept your fate]->Result


Dr. Frank looks at you and says:
{BeginWriting.badOpen: Your opening sentence does not fit the rest of your paragraph. It seems like you do not know your audience very well.}
{BeginWriting.formalOpen: Your opening sentence gets right to the point and your tone starts off as professional.}
{Write1.active1: You announced your intention with the active voice, so it seemed as if you are taking responsibility for your own mistakes. It is a good start.}
{Write1.passive1: You used the passive voice in the second sentence, so it seems like you are trying to remove yourself from blame by saying 'the essay couldn't be finished' instead of 'I didn't finish the essay'.}
{Write1.buriedSubject: I was very confused by your letter. You buried your real subject inside the middle of this list of other things. I had to figure out that you were trying to ask for an extension. You should've just stated your subject upfront.}
{Write2.logicalEvidence: Your evidence was very good. You had an example to back up your claim, and the article was written by a professor who applied the techniques in her own classroom, adding more validity.}
{Write2.uncitedEvidence: Your evidence is good but you do not provide any sources. I am not sure if you are just making up your claims. Make sure you cite next time. }
{Write2.emotionalEvidence: I can tell you are trying to appeal to my emotion. While I sympathize with you, this is probably not the best choice. Remember your audience when you choose your evidence. I am not easily swayed that way. }
{Write2.badEmotionalEvidence: An emotional appeal wouldn't work on me anyway because I am your professor, but even if it did, you overdramatize your problems and it's hard to take you seriously. I am less inclined to sympathize with you when you come across as too over-the-top.}
{Write2.noEvidence: You don't give me any reason as for why I should heed your request.}
{Conclusion.commasplice: You have a comma splice in your last sentence. It weakens your point by making you look like a bad writer. I am less inclined to be lenient if you couldn't even proofread this. }
{Conclusion.runon: It seems like you didn't even proofread this. This sentence just goes on and on. It is obviously a run-on and you aren't really saying anything either. }
{Conclusion.goodend: Courteous ending. I like it.}
{Picture.catPhoto: It seems you are trying to make me more sympathetic to your cause with the cat. The photo is cute but it won't earn you extra points with me.}
{Picture.mentalHealthPhoto: The graph is a good addition. It conveys the data in an easy-to-read form and adds well to your argument. }

Unfortunately, he cannot give you an extension because your request is extremely last minute and unfair to other students, but at least you got some comments on your writing!

Apply these lessons to Writ107T when you retake it next quarter.

-> END

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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