Dungeon Adventure (itch) (-Llama_Productions-)
A platformer with stunning art made by 2 brothers on scratch The game is still being made right now so please don't think that this is a bad game.
S or down arrow to start
Space to shoot
Arrow keys or WASD to move
0 to switch character
Game Over screen looks more glitchy and sounds glitchy
Pet Slime that follows you
2 lives go if you get hit by an enemy, 1 if you hit lava
New title screen
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/llamaproductions/home
Art - LordLlama101
Coding - Spider-Bear
Music - Spider-Bear
Piecing together - Spider-Bear
Sometimes it glitches at the start and there are no hearts, if that happens, please click the green flag, you will be able to tell if a sound starts before you press s or the down arrow. I don't know how to fix it.
- Spider-Bear
If you manage to lag it enough you can make the bullet follow and try to kill you, with this glitch you can fall out of the end screen through the black wall and die.
- Spider-Bear
I added a little gun glint in the title screen
- Spider-Bear