Dungeon Nightmares (itch) (Linc7991, amenemone, jonvier89, odonnellnick)
How To Play
Move :Pause :
You are not alone in your descent into an endless dungeon. With you is a relentless Nightmare who will not stop until it finds you. Carrying only a torch, you find yourself defenseless as you search for a way onto the next floor. Be careful, though. Wouldn't want that light to go out... bad things happen in the dark.
This is you. Do try to keep
yourself alive.
This is your nightmare.
You can run, but hiding
is not an option. Don't
let him see you.
Do try to keep your
lantern full. If you end up
in the dark, there will
be nothing to keeping
your nightmare from
finding you.
A special key required
to enter the next floor.
However, wherever
could it be?
Find the exit and delve
deeper into the dungeon.
Be warned, though. It will
require a key.
The Team
Linc ODgoonMr. Mailman Amerlyn