Dungeon of the Crawlers!
Dunegon of The Crawlers - Where the dungeon crawlers aint just you!
You control an elf who needs to find his way out of this dungeon he finds himself in, but your not alone;
The Blob
This guy likes to teleport around 4 different locations on the map, and wont be afraid to hop on to you!
The Pursuitist
The knight of the dungeon, chasing you down every step of the way, they are also masters of disguise!
The Zombo
This guy will just move back and forth guarding certain areas that he finds sacred
Your aim is to get to the ladder which is somewhere in each level, but you cant always trust the ladder either! There are 8 levels in total but the order is randomized so sorry if you get the same level twice in a row! This game was made in 10 days for Untitled Game Jam #23 (UGJ's Birthday) so sorry about the probably MASS of bugs that this game entails, but don't hesitate to vote for this and the rest of the game when voting opens
Heres the assets I used if you want to check them out!
Sounds made with Bfxr and made with <3 and Unity!