Dungeon Raiders [Prototype]
An early prototype for a new game "Dungeon Raiders".
This game will aim to be a spiritual successor to SteamWorld Heist, but in a fantasy RPG setting.
Accept quests to destroy dungeon cores and get out with all the valuables inside.
Sell your loot for money and renown to recruit new party-members with unique attacks and abilities.
Currently this prototype contains none of the above. This version allows you to move around three characters with different movement speeds and weapons that can ricochet a certain number of times.
Cover you can hide behind and shoot over (this will make your characters duck to better hide from incoming fire)
And a couple of simple swarmers that will run straight at the closest player character.
The game controls with just your mouse buttons.
Left click buttons to enter move or aim mode, and left click again to confirm it.
You can right click to leave move or aim modes.
When moving the orange points are the places you can walk to (you can shoot after walking) and the red points are the places that will take your entire turn to reach.