Dungeon Wayfarer
Dungeon Wayfarer is a 3D first-person roguelike RPG game demo with simple pixel art visuals and minimalistic UI without much in-game menus. The game features random generated 3D dungeons, pick-ups, random enemies, light RPG elements, auto map, permadeath and simplistic turn-based gameplay with reaction based combat system. The future release is planned to be more random, more unpredictable, having more content and having better pixel art visuals and game mechanics. The future release will be released on Android, iOS and on PC.
W: Move forward, push
S: Move backward
A: Move left
D: Move right
Q: Turn left
E: Turn right
Space bar: Skip turn
Left Mouse Button: Take, use, examine, attack, block
Right Mouse Button (hold): Look around
Esc: Pause menu
Clicking an enemy locks the player on the enemy and also triggers a quick-time-event in which a timer bar appears above the enemy. The pointer above the bar starts sliding across the bar. During this time the locked enemy must be clicked again to perform an attack, either melee or ranged. Clicking the enemy while the pointer is at the center of the bar causes the most damage to the enemy, unless player is low on health. If the pointer slides all the way across the bar or if the second click is made while pointer is above the grey area of the bar, the attack is missed. While enemy's turn player has a chance to block an incoming attack from an enemy. When the red square indicator appear under the enemy before the attack, the enemy must be clicked to reduce the damage inflicted on the player. Otherwise the enemy causes full damage to the player.