Early Frost Warning
NOTE: If it's not running in Windows 10, try it in compatibility mode! If you just can't get it to run and want a refund, let me know and/or go through Itch.io channels. The only system I KNOW this works on is Windows 7. It should work anywhere Adventure Game Studio works.
Early Frost Warning is an interactive, point and click short story created in Adventure Game Studio. It's about divorce.
Note: I'm not sure that Adventure Game Studio runs in Windows 8.1! Be careful if you're running that system!
This download comes with...
* The game in the form of an Windows executable.
* An original soundtrack of 9 songs composed using Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies.
* The short story the game is based on. Do not read this before playing the game!
Thank you. Feel free to contact me with any bugs/issues/etc. It runs fine for me but Adventure Game Studio is a rickety beast. Special thanks to Sean Og Murphy for some scripting assistance.
-Gary Butterfield-