Earth Shield 20XX
Defend the (square) earth from missiles! Set the earth's shield to the same polarity as the incoming missile to block it!
Controls: X to switch shield polarity
r=rectfill e=pset s={}c=0l=0o=1n=30h=10p=0a={} for i=1,100do add(a,{rnd(127),rnd(127)})end ::_:: cls()t=time()dt=t-p if l<=0 then ?"earth shield 20xx",30,56,11 ?" hit ❎ to start",30,68,8 if(btnp(5))l=5c=0 else for i=1,#a do e(a[i][1],a[i][2],5)end r(60,60,68,68,12)rect(56,56,72,72,7+o)d={60,62,61,62,60,63,61,63,62,64,63,65,62,66,65,62,66,62,65,63,66,63,67,64,66,65,67,65,68,65} for i=1,#d-1do e(d[i],d[i+1],11)end if h<0then cf=flr(rnd(2)) x=flr(rnd(128)) y=flr(rnd(128)) if cf==1 then x=flr(rnd(2))*128 else y=flr(rnd(2))*128 end v={64-x,64-y} add(s,{x=x,y=y,v=v,pol=cf+7})h=n end if(t%10==0 and n>=10)n-=3 for _,i in pairs(s) do e(i.x,i.y,i.pol)i.x=i.x+dt*i.v[1]i.y=i.y+dt*i.v[2]i.v={64-i.x,64-i.y} if((i.x>=56 and i.x<=72)and(i.y>=56 and i.y<=72))then if(i.pol==7+o)then c+=1 poke4(12800,2571.2472)sfx(0) else cls() r(0,0,127,127,7) l-=1 poke4(12800,2471.2472)sfx(0) end del(s,i) end end if(btnp(5))o=(o+1)%2 ?"score: "..c.."\nlife: "..l,12 p=t h-=1 end flip() goto _System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Sep 10, 2021
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