Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Echo Fei, Episode 0: The Slaughter-novella, with a small (quite small), impurity simulator walk. Essentially the beginning of history, and a relatively fast "perfect game", in terms of achievements.
The Story of Comrade Sophia Rykov, serving as a prison guard, in prison, where the representatives of the people of the Fairies (they are Elves). Fairies long fought with people for the territory, as a result, people began to win, and along the way learned to use the Fae magic, as an energy carrier, to provide cities with electricity. That is done, a fantasy nuclear reactor. And everything was fine in the life of our heroine, while the Fae saboteurs, such a reactor did not blow. So let's get out of the fantasy Follaut, and simultaneously save the local zeks. The Plot is basically so-so. Separately delivers that foreign slaves, with all the characters, turn to each other "comrade" (comrade), and almost all Slavic names and surnames.
The Razslaves decided to go the other way, and instead of using the proven engines to create the novellas, made their own framework, to create the novellas, based on the Unreal Engine. The result was something that worked, but somewhat bent. By the Way it is possible to buy it, only for 4k Rusblkov-Visual Novel Framework-Full System []. In the part where the novella-there are several forks in the plot. The Elections are not many, but they are. In a part where not a novella, we can walk in prison, look at the timer, informing when the nuclear trynets will come, and reach the place where the trigger will turn on the Novelle. Well, to read a couple of books with the history of the world, giving us an achachika, there will also be.
Graphics and sounds.
In part novella, the picture is not a masterpiece, but quite normal. In terms of walking around the mess, this is a tryndno, reminiscent of the game, the early 90s, especially CG-inserts. The Music is gloomy, but quite ordinary. Not very memorable. There's a voice-over, but it's all Interdometia-A, yes, yes, Oh! And so on.
As a result.
In General, a simple short story, with not the most interesting, but not the worst tie. You can Pass. In addition, for an hour maximum, get the "perfect game." You can pass by. Don't lose Anything.
5 Comrades out of 10 Review on DLC: Echoes of the Fey-The Immolation Soundtrack P. S: If this review was useful for You put the likes, and also add friends and subscribe to me as Curator-Online Reviews