Edge of Eternity (itch)
Edge of Eternity is a multiplayer game that focuses on action and survival in an open-world with a rogue-like rpg style of game-play. Players can work cooperatively if they choose.
I work on and re-build it everyday. This is the first test of the alpha. I plan on updating the game at least once a week. Most things will be replaced. The audio is at the top of the list.
If you like it and would like to be a part of the project or have any input please contact me at [email protected] or here on itch.io
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy!
(At the moment only 20 people can play at the same time, if it is popular enough or if people donate money I will purchase more slots on the server.)
IndieDB: https://www.indiedb.com/games/edge-of-eternity-the-mysterious-journey