Ekorn Jones: Forest of The Golden Nut
Created by: Bella Ciagne for MI 445 for MSU Game Dev
1. Main Menu: Added a background and objects to make it more aesthetically pleasing. I also added a Level Select button and page so players could choose to start on the 2nd level.
2. Dialogue: Completely redid the dialogue along with adding new triggers to fit a new storyline and theme.
3. Level 1 Redesign: Created a new Level 1 with different locations and obstacle courses.
4. Level 2: Added a new Level 2 to wrap up the new storyline and make the playable experience longer.
5. Broken Leg / Heal feature: Player starts with a movement and health cap caused by a broken leg. After the Wolverine combat, if the player wins, they become healed and regain full movement and health.