ElectrodZ is a competitive online multiplayer game, where you have to smash other players out of the map. This game requires a working network connection.
You can change your color to interact with obstacles differently.
This built is configured to connect to a remote server. This is its default behaviour and can't be currently changed.
Currently only private lobbies / games are supported. To enter a private lobby, one user needs to choose the "Create new lobby" option in the play menu screen and provide the lobby code (top right corner) to their friends.
That code can be entered into the "Lobby code" field in the play menu and submitted by pressing the "Join private lobby" button beneath.
The first person to join the lobby (the lobby host) may start the game by pressing the start game button. it should be avoided to join a game while it is in progress.
If any errors are encountered during the execution of the application, please restart it to reset its state.
CONTROLS: Mouse & Keyboard | XBOX Controller
- Camera rotation: mouse | right stick
- Walking: wasd | left stick
- Jumping / Rise when flying: spacebar | A
- Sprinting / Sink when flying: Left shift | Right trigger
- Attacking: Left mouse button | B
- Charging: E | X
- Menu : Escape | Start