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PC controls

-  W / S to move up / down

-  Left mouse button click/spacebar to shoot spell bolts

-  1 / 2 Or click the icons to switch spells

-  Q / E or click the icons  to cast evocations --- right-click to cancel

-  B / Click the builder to open the construction menu

-  R /  T / G, Or click the icons  (from within the construction menu) to build towers and traps 

-  Click an empty grid spot (with a construction selected) to build  --- right-click to cancel

-  V / Click the enchantress to open the enchantments menu

-  R, Or click the icons  (from withing enchantments menu) to research enchantment. Can improve the base spell casting speed.

Stats Meteor Evocation

A meteor strike that damages all targets inside the target marker.

Damage Type - Fire Cooldown - 40 seconds

Storm Evocation

A storm that travels along with the target marker and damages enemies on its way while pushing them back.

Damage Type - Water Cooldown - 30 seconds

Totem Tower

A tower that shoots fireballs at enemies within range.

Build Time - 13 seconds

Damage Type - Fire

Attack Cooldown  - 2 seconds

Mine Trap

A small trap that explodes when an enemy steps on it and damages that enemy.

Build Time - 5econds

Damage Type - Water

Fire Sigil Trap

A large trap activates when an enemy steps on it and damages all enemies on it when it explodes.

Build Time - 7 seconds

Damage Type - Fire

QuickSpell Enchantment 1

Improves base spell casting speed by 10%

Takes  10 seconds to research

unlocks QuickSpell Enchantment 2

QuickSpell Enchantment 2

Improves base spell casting speed by 20% (accumulative. =30%)

Takes  25 seconds to research

unlocks QuickSpell Enchantment 3

QuickSpell Enchantment 3

Improves base spell casting speed by 30% (accumulative. =60%)

Takes  35 seconds to research

Early prototype.

This version of the game includes some basic mechanics, art, and concepts that we are interested in checking if they are fun or not. At the end of each game session, a "Survey" button will appear, we will greatly appreciate it if you fill out the survey with the utmost sincerity.

An infinite line-defense / wave-survival PC game where you defend against waves of monsters. The game enhances an old genre by adding a strategic layer to it. Instead of just attacking and upgrading the player’s attacks, there is a layer of elements correlation, status effects, and defensive constructions with various abilities.

The Apprentice’s abilities: cast spells and evocations

The Builder’s abilities: Build defensive buildings and traps

The Enchantress’s abilities: improves and enhances the abilities of the apprentice 

Feedback Survey:


Please do let us know what you think about the prototype

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Release date
Scarlet Genesis
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jun 11, 2021

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