Embrion Down

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Hello everyone! My name is Anatoliy, I am from Russia from the city of Kurgan. My English is worse than my Russian)

One day my mother said to me: "Son, I have nothing to play on the computer. It's bad. Other moms play match-3. I also want to play the match-3." Then I said, "OK, mom. I will write for you a good game." I wrote the game, drank some tea and called my mum. She played and told me: "Holy #!&#, I'm not going to play it!" I became very sad. Friends, download the game and my mom will proud of me again)

The aim of the game is to collect 1000 embryos and stay alive.

The game has many interesting things:

  • collect embryos
  • complete missions (need to press the button at the top)
  • buy the bullets
  • kill the enemies (many enemies)
  • collect bonuses

System requirements:

  • two hands
  • one computer
  • one mouse

Sorry guys, I have no videos because I have an old and stupid computer. Can anyone make me a good video? I will be very grateful to this man)

F4 - full screen.

Good luck and have fun!

Release date
Anatoliy Loginovskikh
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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