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*EmergeNYC at this state in Early Access*

Third Person Gameplay update is live!

In EmergeNYC's new major Third Person Update a bunch of new things have been added.

Choose one of many roles throughout each fire company and the main precinct in the city.

Customize your character's appearance & change to up to half a dozen different uniform options and over a dozen different firefighter and police officer models.

Hop in and out of your vehicle whether you're driving or just a passenger.

Even split driving Tiller Ladder 75 in Multiplayer

Third Person will seamlessly mix in with our current Multiplayer game play style, and you are able to spawn a character and customize them to your liking, all while it being extremely simple to leave your character, and switch back to driving other units on the map much easier.

EmergeNYC is currently in Pre-Alpha State Tech Demo. This tech demo will allow players to drive all of the vehicles that we have currently completed and will be updated with more vehicles and features every week. You may also have up to 32 of your friends join you online with our new Multiplayer feature. The tech demo also gives players the chance to experiment with some core mechanics of the game and report bugs or feedback to be fixed and modified in daily patches.

*Planned for full release*

In EmergeNYC players will be thrown into a large dynamic and open-world which is based on a fictional New York City. Players will be able to take the role of a single member of a unit and possess the ability to switch to other units and personnel, command fellow AI firefighters and police officers, or join an online session and work with up to 32 players to protect the city and keep it running.

EmergeNYC goes into depth when it comes to Emergency Simulation Games and aims to go where no other games in the genre have imagined.

When starting EmergeNYC, you will be able to pick between Single Player Free Play and Co-Operative Multiplayer Free Play. In Single Player mode, you will have the ability to mesh how you want to play. If you prefer to have more control over things, you can play in Dispatcher/IC Mode, dispatching units to emergencies, and commanding units from above in an RTS and Emergency 4 inspired fashion.

If you want to be more personal and interactive, Direct Control Mode is the way to go. When you switch to Direct Control, you will be able to take control of a single member of any unit whether it be an FDNY company, 2 NYPD Officers on a patrol, or EMS Partners awaiting a medical emergency. This mode functions as an advanced Third/First Person Simulation with a camera and character controller similar to Grand Theft Auto and other Open-World, Adventure, and Simulation games.

EmergeNYC features realistic driving mechanics which accurately recreate the handling of different fire apparatus, police vehicles, and ambulances. Players will have the ability to switch between 3rd Person and 1st Person Cockpit cameras as well as have full control over their vehicles, including lights and sirens. In EmergeNYC, we have managed to create an advanced and stunning lighting system allowing the player to switch between different lighting patterns in a variety of different light bars and lighting setups. We have also given players full control of the siren(s) of their vehicle with the ability to wind up and down manual sirens seamlessly, honk the airhorns and switch between automatic siren modes. Traffic and pedestrians respond differently with how you use your sirens and horns.

Third Person Gameplay update coming next week!

In EmergeNYC's new major Third Person Update a bunch of new things will be added.

Choose one of many roles throughout each fire company and the main precinct in the city.

Customize your character's appearance & change to up to half a dozen different uniform options and over a dozen different firefighter and police officer models.

Hop in and out of your vehicle whether you're driving or just a passenger.

Even split driving Tiller Ladder 75 in Multiplayer

Third Person will seamlessly mix in with our current Multiplayer gameplay style, and you are able to spawn a character and customize them to your liking, all while it being extremely simple to leave your character, and switch back to driving other units on the map much easier.

FireFighters will be able to equip almost 2 dozen different types of equipment and tools which aid in whatever situation is facing them. Force doors open with a halligan, an axe, or a hydraulic rabbit tool, its your choice. Cut open a roll down door blocking access to a fire with a K12 Saw, get up to a window, scaffolding, roof top, or fire escape with different sized extension la[/img]dders. Knock down fires with different sized hoses, each one more difficult to maneuver through buildings and aim than the other. As a fireman you will also be able to rescue people, perform basic medical procedures to stabilize a victim, extricate people from vehicles, and more. Gameplay as a firefighter is primarily 3rd Person, however when applying your SCBA Air Pack and Face Mask before entering a burning building, you will be forcefully put into First Person Mode. This is done to try and simulate the visibility, sounds, and what it is like to be inside of a fire.

Police Officers have much different but just as interactive and exciting gameplay. EmergeNYC aims to take the stereotypical police game out of the equation and focus more on what police officers in New York City face each day while also throwing the player into intense and risky situations. Lethal force is rarely necessary and this is a police game that tries to not glorify weapons, or constant shootings. In EmergeNYC, police officers will be negotiating with armed suspects, suicidal peeps, chasing down robbery suspects on foot, and if necessary as a last resort, using lethal force. However, gameplay as a police officer is not always like the movies. Players will still be performing traffic stops, writing tickets to double parked vehicles, directing traffic at emergency scenes, and performing crowd control.

As an EMT/Paramedic in EmergeNYC, you will be experiencing the most in depth treatment and medical procedure system in any game. Players will be able to perform real life treatments, administer medications, perform life saving techniques and monitor a patient's vital signs with the one goal of keeping them alive at an emergency scene and en-route to the hospital. From minor medical emergencies such as a diabetic suffering from hypoglycemia, to a catastrophic trauma like a civilian hit by a bus, or even pinned under a subway train. Gameplay will have the ability to be handicapped for players with no medical experience to have room for mistakes and learn basic medical procedures and treatments for different types of illnesses and injuries.

In EmergeNYC, players will be able to join up to 32 friends on private or open user created servers with customization settings. Players will be able to work together, ride together and handle emergencies together. With an Arma inspired server lobby, once a player joins a server, any open position in a fire company, police patrol, or ambulance is able to be filled by a player. One player will have the ability to play as the dispatcher with an RTS view of the city and notify which units to respond to emergencies when they arise. With an established rank system, players who have filled sergeant, lieutenant, captain, or chief positions will have a variety of commands available to give to AI or fellow players.

EmergeNYC is based in a fictional open-world recreation of Manhattan with an advanced traffic and pedestrian system.

When completed, this open world will contain dozens and dozens of buildings and areas to explore, ranging from stores, residential buildings, parking garages, high-rises with rooftops, subway stations and tunnels and interiors to house a wide variety of emergencies. It will also be beautifully detailed and features a dynamic weather/day & night system.

EmergeNYC does not only go into detail and give players many options on the scene of an emergency, but also when not responding to a call and when en route to an emergency. Players will be able to interact with different environments when not occupied. Firefighters will be spread out across 5 unique firehouses with full interiors and 3 Engine Companies, 3 Ladder Companies, A Squad Company, Rescue Company, and Battalion Chief ready to respond whenever and wherever needed. Police Officers will have a central fictional 14th precinct where players are able to choose and customize police vehicles, equipment, weapons, and their character. EMS workers will have a hospital emergency room to drop off patients, and resupply after a call.
Release date
FlipSwitch Games
FlipSwitch Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: 64 Bit Operating System
  • Processor: Mult-Core processor with 64 bit support
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GTX 640/ATI 7750 or greater
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • OS: Testing In Progress
  • Processor: Testing In Progress
  • Graphics: Testing In Progress
  • Sound Card: Testing In Progress
  • Additional Notes: Testing In Progress

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: 64 Bit Operating System
  • Processor: Mult-Core processor with 64 bit support
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GTX 640/ATI 7750 or greater
  • OS: Testing In Progress
  • Processor: Testing In Progress
  • Graphics: Testing In Progress
  • Sound Card: Testing In Progress
  • Additional Notes: Testing In Progress
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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EmergeNYC reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review I would find the right Words to this Game and wish this Game would be an indie hit. I am also happy to explain this. At this Stage, the Game is hardly playable. The Multiplayer and the Hoses are currently more than fasted. All The Gameplay is not yet mature and at this Stage I Don't think it's worth the Money. But I want to look beyond these Points and still "Recommend" The Game, I would like to point out that this is a small and fresh development Team on a small Budget. I am also convinced that this Game will become really playable over Time. But why do I rate a Game that is not currently running Round as positive? The Answer is simple. I find the Topic of "Fire Brigade, Firefigther" ambulance Service or even the "Police, Police" service an important Issue. Somehow, the Game has been able To convey to me what hard work rescue Teams around the Globe actually do in order to save, recover or extinguish "human Lives" in their own Danger. As the game progressed, I was able to gain more And More understanding and Processes which hard Work our Rescue Workers do every day. At this Point, I would like to say Thank you to all The rescue Workers around the World. Thank you for giving it to You. In this Game you face the same Problems as in Reality. Let's just Take the Topic of "Libgasse" trying to drive the Ladder Car through EmergenNYC. Even if the Multiplayer doesn't run round, I always had the Feeling that we as a Deletion Team are a Unit. We pursued the same Goal. Namely, to extinguish the Fire. Even the Vehicles are not yet perfect of Handling. However, attention to detail is right for This. Only That the Engine speed is increased when you turn the Pump On at the Truck makes my Heart beat faster. In Free-to-play Mode, I already had one or the other tricky Situation to keep the Fire under Control. The Developers also react fairly quickly to Requests and explain Connections, Technology and the Operation of the Pumping Vehicles in a Youtube Video. So If you are looking for a Game that reflects the Work of a Firefighter, you will get your Money's worth here. In any case, I will remain faithful to this Title and think daily of how hard Life can be as a Rescue Team.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review EmergeNYC I have been following since it was present on various Kickstarter Pages. It sounded like a very interesting Game and the Idea behind it was great. Police, Fire and Ambulance Service in New York. Since I was a Fan of Third Watch, just the right one to play like that! As an Early Accsess, I forgive a lot of Mistakes and expect Mistakes. Unfortunately, since the beginning of the Donors, I have noticed versions, to this Day, but not Changes that would be fair for this Development Period. The Game has put in Quite a bit of Money through Starter Promotions, Steam Early Accsess Launch, which is why I don't understand why the Team still consists of only 3 People. Money for a thick new Car has been there, Money for new Programmers and Developers, not. If the Team is too small, you are looking for more Employees. The Update frequency leaves something to be desired and what comes into play with the Updates is usually more out of charge than the Previous Version. I would just like to see more here. Just more of everything. The Team would have to grow, the Updates would have to come more often and bring more Changes and Bug Fixxes, Priorities would have to be adjusted and then work On them. Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Etc., are to be installed here. It would Make Sense to focus on one thing than to want to do everything at once, of which neither SP nor MP really works without Fail. Early Accsess back and forth, but wrong Standards have emerged here. In the current State and the Current Personnel situation, I can't recommend the whole thing for Purchase, unless you want to have a buckled Game where an Update appears every few Weeks or even Months, which really brings something new. I know what game Design means, etc., but here the Problems are due to other Causes. Then now the latest Achievement, the selected "VIP" Member of the Discord Server, who have distinguished themselves through additional Donations, will receive before other Trials. I thought hurly, with Early Accsess you already support and should get Versions in advance, for Testing. Bug Reports by VIP Members are primarily processed. What Early Accsess is For, if you only get it after VIP Members. With this Action, I shot yourself completely out. Had I not promoted the Game via Kickstarter and wouldn't have too many Hours, I would give it back immediately and demand my Money back. Clearly, NO BUY Recommendation!!!
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