Enchanted Voyage
"Enchanted Voyage" is a creative and imaginative horse-drawn carriage parkour game. Set on the modern urban roads, players need to dodge various mysterious creatures such as magic dragons, witches, and wizards in this city environment filled with a fantastical atmosphere.
In this game, players will play the role of a brave male protagonist, driving a horse-drawn carriage with his son and daughter, embarking on an exciting parkour adventure in the city. The gameplay is simple and easy to master, but it also has a high level of challenge and fun. Players need to rely on their agile reactions and extraordinary driving skills to successfully avoid various dangerous obstacles and mysterious creatures, protecting their family members.
The game's graphics are exquisite and delicate, perfectly combining modern urban aesthetics with fantastical elements, providing players with an immersive gaming experience. In addition, the game offers a wealth of levels and props, allowing players to continuously challenge themselves
In this game, players will play the role of a brave male protagonist, driving a horse-drawn carriage with his son and daughter, embarking on an exciting parkour adventure in the city. The gameplay is simple and easy to master, but it also has a high level of challenge and fun. Players need to rely on their agile reactions and extraordinary driving skills to successfully avoid various dangerous obstacles and mysterious creatures, protecting their family members.
The game's graphics are exquisite and delicate, perfectly combining modern urban aesthetics with fantastical elements, providing players with an immersive gaming experience. In addition, the game offers a wealth of levels and props, allowing players to continuously challenge themselves
System requirements for PC
- OS: windows7/8/10/11
- Processor: I3
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: MX440
- Storage: 300 MB available space
- OS: windows7/8/10/11
- Processor: I3
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: GTS250
- Storage: 300 MB available space