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EONIA is a charming open-world Adventure RPG, with a colorful and intriguing world, filled with many mysteries to unravel. Draw maps, document the flora and fauna, make potions, repair structures, manipulate minerals and explore every corner while you delve into a fascinating and surprising plot. You will be constantly attracted by the searches and secrets that will challenge you at every step.
You have a magical pet named Flino that will accompany you in your great adventure. It will help you distract npcs, grab unreachable objects, activate unreachable levers and buttons and show you the way if you cannot find it. Among other things. You can do some comforting petting, too. It is always nice to be gratefull to such a faithful friend.
The game will have +300 NPCs. Yes, +300 NPCs! Living in towns, cities and, who knows where! A whole world full of life!
Thus we will meet with the dear Master Enodio, with Lanius, the faithful friend of Albius, with the eight Master Explorers, with the unique and perfect Artist, Writer and Inventor Mivos Esterus, with the alchemist, the botanist, the zoologist, the blacksmith, the carpenter, the musicians, the poets, the sculptors, the jeweler, the farmer, the postmen, and many others who carried out dozens of activities. Also, there are those that will be essential to the story and those who will only tell us the tales, legends and stories, or simply give us a greeting. But that will not prevent them from being intriguing or interesting.
There will be dozens of merchants with whom we can buy, sell and even exchange the most varied items! Without forgetting the mysterious Nomads! That will travel the roads from site to site. And of course, the ... well, I do not want to spoil the surprise.
You will run into countless books and scrolls that will help you learn new skills and unveil the rich history that surrounds it all. There are hundreds of objects and weapons to find and use, and a huge variety of skills:

• Crafting tools and items.
• Construction and repair of structures.
• Brewing potions.
• Use of rings and amulets with magical powers.
• Search and manipulate dozens of different minerals.
• Search and manipulate hundreds of animals and plants ingredients.
• Mapping the vast territory and drawing hundreds of animals, creatures and beasts.
• Blacksmithing and repairing tools and weapons.
• Lock picking.
• Fishing.
• Stealth and Subtlety.
• Travel through Magical Portals.
• Sailing and Navigating in different types of boats.
• Combat with swords, shields, and spears.
• And much more...

EONIA is a game to be enjoyed alone. It is an adventure and rpg game in an open world. A vast and colorful place where you must explore each nook and cranny to understand it and know its mysteries. Their stories and their legends. There are hundreds of objects to gather. From jars to plants, going through all kinds of minerals and ingredients of animals, creatures and beasts, a variety of tools and weapons such as swords and various types of spears and shields with which to protect yourself from the danger that always appears when you least expect it. Without forgetting those magical and fantastic objects with which we will meet and that also will intrigue us.
We can move by water with the help of different types of rowboats and sails. Which can be improved with sails and different types of oars, witch will not only help us navigate faster through the waters, but also to escape the dangers that the depths contain. By land we can travel long distances in seconds thanks to the Magic Portals that apparently the disappeared Strange Civilization built millennia ago. We can make potions of all kinds and power. Also manipulate minerals to transform them and that could be useful in any adventure or work. And repair tools, weapons and build structures of all kinds and complexity. The chests and their mysteries will not be a chore if you have a lockpick.
A Skill Tree will show us everything we already know and how much we still lack. Let's not forget that Albius is a fifteen-year-old boy and a simple apprentice. A complete Inventory will let us keep track of the objects we have and know their characteristics and uses. A Quest Journal will allow us to understand what remains to be done and what adventure to continue.
Life surrounds each stone and we will have to understand it and know it through books to see what advantage we can obtain from them. And maybe in other times we will only have to fight it without mercy.
Books are an inexhaustible source of knowledge in the world of EONIA and there are dozens of them. They will tell us the forgotten story. They will tell us about the present and, why not, they will show us a glimpse of the future. And just like that, and maybe with a little luck, we can solve the mysteries of EONIA. And let's not forget what Master Enodio always says, "He who seeks shall find his reward."
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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Dual Core
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB) or AMD Radeon R9 270
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Motherboard Integrated sound card
  • OS: Windows 8.1 64bit
  • Processor: Intel i3
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (3GB) or AMD Radeon R9 285
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
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Last Modified: Feb 7, 2023

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EONIA reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Mal a completely new Game world in a Role-playing Game That could rival At its Lore depth Daggerfall. First Impression Video: https://youtu.be/THpBP7KtxXI Pro:-very active Development and already in the Pre-Alpha a lot of Content-many Features that make you feel like a Student of a Universal genius-very atmospheric and unique World ... Contra:-... Some of which are really very colorful-a lot of different Buttons and Menus for Abilities-so far only a single music track
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Early Access Review Is a nice game. You Have to go on missions. The graphics are simple but nice. The gameplay is limited to today, to be in EA. The map is fine but at The moment you can not go where you want and you are very limited in that aspect. And that's funny to the game because you go a little remote control and does not give the feeling of being an open world and you move freely. To Say that it is still very green and that you have a lot of work ahead but if you finish it will be an entertaining and carefree game.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Early Access Review EONIA-Colorful RPG with an open world. The Game is very colorful and with an interesting story. We have to play for a character from the cat race. First we learn and just follow the written instructions of our Sensei, but the farther we go, the more we begin to realize that something strange has happened. We have to explore the world and spend quite a lot of time not in battles, but in search of any items. The Game is more suitable for relaxation and contemplation of the beautiful world. But The fan will also find something to do. I liked the gathering process more, in order to pluck and study the herbs we would need a special herb knife. To study you need to read a lot of books and scrolls. The game implements the crafting system, not as extensive as desired, but still adds interest to the game. Beautiful Landscapes will constantly distract you from the warlike mood, just want to admire the beautiful world. Of the minuses, the game though with an open world, but it is essentially linear, you can not go through the invisible walls to where else story not put. Just not all quests are available, for example, you go through the main quest and the location pops up a message that is available by side Quest, see the Magazine, and the magazine says that the quest has not yet been added to the game. But This is early access, the developer is working on the game and it's nice. The Game is very saturated with colorful colors, creates a sense of fairy tales. Read more quality reviews in the TOP Review group Subscribe to curators
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