Escort Yourself Out

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Escort Yourself Out is an escort-mission-style game in which you must help your childhood self navigate triggering environments. While moving through everyday spaces fraught with triggers, you must take action to care for yourself in order to successfully navigate the situation. It is an autobiographical representation of some of my experiences being mentally ill.

Everybody experiences mental illness and trauma differently. This game is representative of some of my experiences, and no one else's. I make no claim to represent a universal experience of mental illness or trauma, but, rather, just one manifestation of these things.

Trigger warnings: discussion of trauma and triggers, eating disorders, OCD, depression, misophonia, victim-blame and self-blame. Vague mention of a specific childhood trauma (though no details are given, there are several common interpretations, most of which involve abuse of some kind). Representation and inclusion of eating disorder-, OCD-, misophonia-, and trauma-related triggers.

Please play at a resolution of 1280 by 720. Best played with headphones, but that's just my opinion.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the game.

In playing the game, you may encounter some covers (by me) of the following songs:

  • "Big Bird," "Temple Grandin Too," and "Love in the Time of Human Papillomavirus" by AJJ
  • "Told Ya So" by Adult Mom
  • "Appointments" by Julien Baker
  • "You Could Be Happy" by Snow Patrol
  • "Wonderwall" by Oasis
Release date
Violet Elder
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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Art games / Alt games / B-games
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