Work in progress!
The main source of inspiration for this game is Star Soldier (NES), and I wanted to make something reminiscent of an old school shmup similar to that.
Being able to move enemies individually and in somewhat interesting patterns has probably been the biggest focus. There is an editor for placing entities and movement patterns but it's not enabled in the public release build, I might enable it in the future when I feel it's more stable and user friendly.
The current state of the game is ~6ish levels and then you get a brief end screen with tallied score. More levels will be added, and the ones that are in currently will probably get reworked to some degree.
Feel free to give it a spin, feedback is welcome.
Right now it's only available for windows - but it should be buildable on linux with some minor tweaks, something I will look into.
X - Shoot, Arrows to move.
I use a PS4 controller via usb to play, deadzone and buttons are configurable, but I haven't tried any other controllers yet so results may vary.