Eternal Tower (DanielGilchrist)
X and Z and the Arrow Keys to play!
Eternal Tower is a procedurally-generated endless puzzle crawler!
Work your way up the eternally tall tower and see how far you can get.
Be careful! Enemies can be hiding on the ladder and under health-packs.
Notes about the game:
Endless Tower is the first game I made in Pico-8, I adapted it from the very first thing I ever made appear on the screen and it represents the culmination of all my learning about making a game in the engine. Anyone who is starting out in PICO-8 should absolutely look through the code for this game, understand and then adapt it for use in your own projects. It contains some of most fundamental things required in a game in Pico-8, such as: collision, health bar, score, game-over screen, main menu, shop window (which is still work in progress, mind!), etc.
If have any questions on how anything works or want to learn more about it, then feel free to message me in the comment section and I will be sure to get back to you!
- Dan