In Evacuate! you are calling the shots during a meteor shower, taking decision that impact millions of people without having perfect information.
Should you evacuate a city that is at risk of being hit at the cost of overpopulating other cities, loosing people in the process and scaring the population?
Evacuate! is a game of risk assessment and chance, where you decide if it's worth to evacuate a city or not.
The goal is to survive the meteor shower with
over 20% public morale and over 20 million population
Your only action is to decide whether you should or should not evacuate a city. By evacuating, you will move population from a city to the nearest cities. How many cities depends on the time left. You can only move as many people as the cities around you have space for, the rest will die.
Everything happening in the game also has a morale cost.
Morale Costs:
Evacuating -10
Meteor miss empty city -5
Meteor hit populated city -popualtion*2
Metor hit empty city +5
the more you wait to evacuate,
the more population it will cost
This game was made in 8 hours for the Weekly Game Jam 135.