Exam Game - Bit Tank

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Bit Tank

Destroy the other player in turn-based battles, or practise your skills and work through all the single-player levels.


- Aim with the mouse

- Hold in the left mouse to increase shot strength

- Press Space to release cluster bomb

Levels & Features 

Level 1 - Default

Simple level with no modifications.

Level 2 - Black Hole

A black hole sucks projectiles towards it. 

Level 3 - Homing Missile

Homing missile engages two seconds after being shot.

Level 4 - Shields

The shield must be hit 3 times to be destroyed. The shield visually shows the different stages of health.

Level 5 - Moving Bouncy Barriers

Moving barriers follow a predetermined path and cause projectiles to bounce off them appropriately.

Level 6 - Cluster Bomb

When the projectile hits the terrain (or the enemy), it explodes as normal but releases five extra projectiles in random directions.

Level 7 - Minions

The enemy has three minions and can't be destroyed until all minions are destroyed first.

Level 8 - Trash Compacter (custom)

The wall moving towards the player must be destroyed by hitting all of the weak points on the wall. If the player takes too long and gets hit by the wall they die. 

Level 9 - Lava (custom)

Guide the lava along the pipes by destroying the bars blocking the lava. The player wins when the lava reaches the enemy.

2 Player

The two-player game mode is made up of various components and features from each of the single-player levels is split into two levels for people to play on. 

Resources Used

Blackhole - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/b5BJGd 

Shield - https://www.pixilart.com/art/force-field-9dc1f28153e0ab6

Blades = http://pixelartmaker.com/art/f4e8058174998a5 

Hit sound effect - https://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/sounds/270332/ 

Shoot sound effect - https://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/sounds/270344/

8-bit explosion sound effect  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzwq0ue2qJ8

Tank Sprite - Custom Art

Intro Sketches - Custom Art

Silkscreen Font: https://www.dafont.com/silkscreen.font 


- Player

- Enemy

- Explosion (Particle System)

- Smoke (Particle System)

- Player 1

- Player 2

- Lava

- Homing Missle

- Cluster Bomb

- Bullets

- Main Camera

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Exam Game - Bit Tank screenshot, image №3642910 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Nov 7, 2022

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