Exam Golf Game

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Click and hold to shoot.

Turbo for (limited) speed boost with Space bar.

Reach the goal to win.

Use 1-9 keys to auto-switch between levels:

  1. Normal Controls
  2. Black Holes
  3. Maze and Cinemachine
  4. Breakable Door
  5. Checkpoints
  6. Tripwire Door
  7. Sticky Walls
  8. Homing Missiles
  9. Windmill
  10. Driving Range

Press R to return to main menu at any time, or press N to go to next level at any time.

Asset List: ScriptsDescriptionLevelManagerControls navigation through levels, allows for next level, main menu, and level navigation with keys 1-9.GameManagerManages the game state, and behaviors like end level, start level, main menu.AudioManagerHolds audio and listener for in game music and sound effects.HoldAndShootAllows player to hold down to increase the power of their shot.PanCamUsed for panning the camera on level 10.BallResetResets ball if it leaves the screen, also if it falls off the map on level 10.BreakableDoorBreakable door.CheckpointHolding the local states of individual checkpoints.CheckpointDoorKeep track of the amount of checkpoints activated.FindCameraAutomatically find the camera on each scene within the game manager.HoleEnd level behavior when ball reaches the hole.LookAheadCinemachine behaviours on level 3 and 10.RangeFinderTurret range and ball detection.SeekBallAllows missile to follow ball and face towards it.SpaceBoostBoosts the golfball using space.StickyStops ball moving when in contact.TripWireManages raycasts and tripwire behavior.TurretBehaviourTurret behavior, looking towards player and shooting.UIManagerHolding UI elements accessible from gamemanager.WindMillRotation of windmill.OtherDescriptionBallHit SoundSound clip for when the ball is hit.

Music "Solve the Puzzle" by Patrick de Arteaga  https://patrickdearteaga.com/

Font "Fredoka One" - by Milena Brandao https://www.milenabdesign.com/

Particles by Jean Moreno (JMO) - "Cartoon FX Free" http://www.jeanmoreno.com/ 

Environment Art "Unity 2D Sprite Shape + Samples & Extras." by Unity 

https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/index.html

Implemented Features List: All features from the document have been implemented including the addition of the final two levels. Core Functionality (all levels) Ball aiming and shooting Shoot towards mouse (or using Party Golf style controls is also acceptable). Shot strength depends on how long you hold down the mouse button for. Ball is shot once button is released.  Ball aiming line Line shows direction of shot. Line length represents shot strength. Ball sunkWhen the ball collides with hole, show end of level text (if implemented), then move to next hole Ball reset Ball resets when offscreen. Ball stopping              Ball stops moving when touching ground and at  low speed. Extra Functionality (all levels) Visual style Game is aesthetically pleasing, and levels play well. Turbo boost Hold space, makes ball speed 2x faster, limited for 0.5s per use. Divot particles When ball is shot, a suitable particle effect is shown. Trail Basic trail (1 mark). Changes colour when turbo on (if implemented) (1 mark). Post processing Effect (or effects) matches overall visual style of game. Ball shot sound effect Sound played when ball shot (1 mark). Pitch of sound is slightly random each time OR chosen randomly from a set of sounds (1 mark). Music Music plays throughout whole game (1 mark). Music doesn't stop or restart when level is changed (1 mark). User Interface (all levels) Title screen with level select Can be same scene or separate scenes (note that if separate scenes, SceneSwitcherKeys script will need to be modified). In-game UI Total shots (1 mark), current hole shots (1 mark), current hole number (1 mark). Start of level text Display a message for 3 seconds: hole number (1 mark), brief description of that level's mechanics (1 mark) and par for this hole (1 mark). Animated (1 mark). End of level text   Display a message for 1.5 seconds after sunk (1 mark). Message should be from a random set ("well done!", "great!", "weird!") (1 mark), plus how far over par they are using terminology in the “End of Level Text” table below         (2 marks). Text is animated in and out (1 mark). Level 1 – Default Functionality              Simple level with no modifications. Level 2 – Black Hole Functionality Sucks the ball towards it (1 mark), and is fun to play (1 mark). Visual style                  Uses an appropriate particle system OR   sprite-sheet animation. Level 3 – Maze Level + Cinemachine  Tilemap Level is created with a Tilemap Cinemachine   Camera follows ball in this level (1 mark). Camera looks ahead of ball's movement direction (1 mark). Camera looks ahead of ball’s aiming direction (hard, 1 mark , note this isn’t in example game). Level 4 – Doorway Triggered by Hits Doorway Disappears after being hit 3 times by the ball. Visual feedback         Doorway gets redder and redder on each hit.        Level 5 – Checkpoints Doorway Disappears after 3 checkpoint objects have been triggered. Visual feedback         Each checkpoint changes colour after being hit. Level 6 – Doorway Triggered by Tripwire Doorway Disappears when another object (NOT the ball) intersects the tripwire (1 mark). Reappears if the object is no longer intersecting the tripwire (1 mark). Visual feedback   Line renderer representing tripwire, and changes colour when tripwire is intersected.          Level 7 – Sticky Walls Ball stops moving when it hits a wall.          Level 8 – Homing Missiles Turret Aims at player (1 mark). Fires rockets when player near is near every second (2 marks). Missiles                        Seeks the player (1  mark). Graphics rotate toward the player (2 marks). Level 9 – Windmill Windmill/Colliders & rotation.  Windmill rotates a constant speed, can block the ball from entering the tunnel. Tunnel/Sorting groups, z space.  Ball is able to travel through the tunnel, the ball correctly renders in front of the doorway, but behind the wall. Level 10 – Driving Range/Pan Camera CameraPan/Cinemachine camera dolly  Camera pans towards the hole showing the player the path they need to do in order to pass the level, then returns to the ball Water/Boyancy effector.  Ball can fall in to the water and float.
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Last Modified: Nov 2, 2020

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