F4 Phantom II Fleet Defender
Entry for GBJAM 8
This is my 2nd participation in game jam and i tried this time to create an combat flight simulator where you take a role of F4 Phantom II pilot defending a fleet against some Vietnam area threats such as Migs and SA2
up down, left right to move aircraft
A to shoot (Space)
B to change weapon (Left Ctrl)
B + UP to toggle view lock
Start- Pause game (P)
Air to Air combat with guns and missiles
Bomb drop on ground target
Anti radar missile
Dodge enemy ground to air missiles by flying low
Carrier Landing
Custom load-out before campaign mission
Auto save campaign
AWACS calling enemy targets
Training missions, tutorial and encyclopedia
Hope you like it :)
Made with unity,blender, xara and few more online tools
Code will be available on git in few days