Fact Frog
Fact Frog is a little quiz game about frogs and facts! Answer questions about the frog species in under 10 seconds. If not completed in this certain amount of time, fact frog loses his place as the smartest creature in the animal kingdom (mega oof).
This was my 2nd Jam! I was kind-of restricted on time (about a day) so it isn't my best game but I tried. The music was created by an online AI called Soundraw. I'm not much of a musician and I was restricted on time so I generated a piece with the AI.
Unfortunately, the soundtrack did not end up making it to the final build so I apologize for that. However, I have uploaded the final version of the soundtrack in hopes that somebody might listen to it!
The way I interpreted the theme was by.. making my game about frogs? And the limitation was by adding a timer, which I know is not the most 'creative' way of doing it but once again, I only had a day~